Q6 where is for location
You will need:
- Semicircle shape (plus oval)
- Individual photos
- Character toys/small figures
App settings: Default
Intervention steps:
- Lay the semicircle shape on the table.

Establish the names of some character toys or people in photos.
- Hide these photos or toys around the room. Ask the child to find one. As they find each one, ask: “Where was X?”
For example, place Batman under the chair. When the child finds Batman, ask “Where was Batman?” Hold/point to the semicircle shape as you ask. When the child answers: “under the chair”, or points to the location, say: “Yes, under the chair” and write under the chair on the semicircle; colour code the preposition under in yellow. This phrase doesn’t have to be grammatically accurate at this stage (e.g., the might be missing), just a reference to the location, not Batman himself.
Repeat with the other toys.
- To ensure the child understands the difference between oval and semicircle, link with Q1 & Q2 . Lay out two shapes: oval + semicircle. Ask the child to re-hide some toys, e.g. “Batman is under the table. Hulk is in the box”. Point to the oval as you say the subject; point to the semicircle as you say the location.
- Pick up the oval and ask: “Who is in the box/under the table?”
- Pick up the semicircle and ask: “Where is Batman/Hulk?”
Ensure child responds with the correct phrase/shape information, not with a full sentence.
- Practise finding where phrases in written sentences if appropriate. You could use this PowerPoint.
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