Q2 What is for a thing
You will need:
- Oval SHAPE CODING shape and red pen
- Individual photos
- Toys / objects
App settings: Default
Intervention steps:
- Lay the oval shape on the table, cover up the Who, so that only the What shows.

Pick a toy or object. Ask the child: “what is this? If the child produces a noun (e.g. car, the dog, pencil, a sock), write this in the oval; colour code the keyword noun (e.g. car) in red.
If the child uses a proper noun (e.g. Fido or Sanjeev), ask what animal/toy it is and write this in the oval. If this becomes an issue, focus on generic objects only.
If the child gives another response (e.g. mine, run or no), offer a forced alternative, e.g. “Is it a car or a sock?” Write the correct response in the oval; colour code the keyword noun (e.g. car) in red. Say: “That’s right, you told me what this is.” Say: “what is for things, such as a chair, a dinosaur, a pencil. Can you think of some more?” Use toys/objects to prompt the child.
- Hide individual toys/objects around the room. Ask the child to find each one. As they find each item, ask what they found (in that location), e.g. place a truck under the chair. Ask: “what was under the chair?” Hold/point to the oval shape as you ask. When the child answers “truck”, place the truck in the oval. NB: Do not ask “what did you find?” – this what relates to the rectangle, not the oval.
- Practise identifying what in written sentences, if appropriate. You could use this PowerPoint and/or this one.
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