Q4 How feel is for emotions
You will need:
- Cloud (plus oval) SHAPE CODING shape
- Emotion pictures
- Toy characters
App settings: Default
Intervention steps:
- Lay the cloud shape on the table.

- Act out one toy showing an emotion, e.g. a teddy dancing around room and singing. As you act out the emotion, ask: “How is X feeling?” or “How does X feel?”. If the child says: “happy” write happy in the cloud shape (colour code in green). If the child gives an incorrect response, ask a forced alternative, e.g. “Is Teddy happy or angry?” Write the correct response in the cloud (colour code in green). Say: “The cloud tells us how someone feels.”
Ask the child to pick another toy and show you another feeling. If the child needs support, hand them another character and ask them to show you angry. As you act out the emotion ask: “How is X feeling?” or “How does X feel?” When the child says: “angry'”, write it in the cloud (colour code in green).
Repeat with the other toys and emotions, e.g. sad, shy, hungry, tired, surprised, scared.
- To ensure the child understands the difference between oval and cloud (emotion), link with Q1 & Q2. Lay out 2 shapes: oval + cloud.
Shuffle three emotions pictures (different subjects/different emotions) and ask the child to pick one. Point to the oval as you ask about the subject; point to the cloud as you ask about the emotion.
- Ask: “Who is in the picture?” – the man
- Ask: “How is the man feeling?” – angry
- Ask: “Who is angry?” – the man
Repeat for 2 other pictures. Ask the child: “Who was angry/shy/scared? How did the man/girl/lady feel?” Ensure the child responds with the correct phrase/shape information, not with a full sentence.
- Practise finding the how feel phrase in written sentences, if appropriate. You could use this PowerPoint.
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