Q5 what like is for descriptions

You will need:

  • Cloud SHAPE CODING shape (plus oval)
  • Objects with different textures
  • Toys of different sizes
  • Feely bag

App settings: Default

Intervention steps:

  1. Lay the cloud shape on the table.

Hand the child a textured object, e.g. a spiky brush. Ask the child to touch it and ask: “What is the brush like?” If the child says “spiky”, write spiky in the cloud shape (colour code in green). If the child gives an incorrect response, ask a forced alternative, e.g. “Is the brush spiky or soft?” Write the correct response in the cloud (colour code in green). Say: “The cloud tells us what something is like.”

  1. Ask the child to pick another toy and describe another texture. As they touch the object, ask: “What is the X like?” If the child needs support, hand them another object and ask them a forced alternative, e.g. “Is this hard or gooey?”  When the child gives the correct response write it in the cloud (colour code in green).

  2. Repeat with the other toys and textures, e.g. rough, smooth, bumpy, sticky, shiny. Repeat steps 1-3 with:
    • toys/objects of different shapes, e.g. round, square, long
    • objects made of different materials, e.g. metal, plastic, wood
    • objects of different sizes, e.g. big, small, tiny, fat, tall, thin (best to compare similar objects, e.g. big vs small ball, tall vs short building, fat vs thin cat)
    • objects of different colours, e.g. red, blue, black, pink
  1. To ensure the child understands the difference between oval and cloud (texture, size, shape, colour), link with Q1 & Q2. Lay out two shapes: oval + cloud. Ask the child to do a sorting activity, e.g. with three shapes or object objects. Ask questions while pointing at the relevant shape:
    • Point at the oval and ask: “What is round?” – the ring.
    • Point at the cloud and ask: “What is the ring like?” – round.

Repeat for 2 other objects. Put the items away and ask more questions:

    • What was round / square / long?” (hold the oval)
    • What was the ring / mirror / ruler like?”  (hold the cloud)

Ensure child responds with the correct phrase / shape information. It doesn’t matter if they muddle up which object / shape as long as they answer with the right type of phrase. Praise them if they pick the right type of phrase, e.g. Question: “What was the ring like?” Child’s response: “Square” Feedback: “Well done – you told me a what like word but I thought it was round!” Let’s check.

  1. Practise finding the what like phrase in written sentences, if appropriate. You could use this PowerPoint.

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