Q3 What doing is for actions

You will need:

  • Hexagon SHAPE CODING shape (plus oval), blue pen
  • Short action picture/photo sequence
  • Character toys/small figures

App settings: Default

Intervention steps:

  1. Lay the hexagon shape on the table.
  1. Ask the child to make one of the toys/figures do something. Give examples, such as jump, hop, shout, sleep, clap.

    As they act out each verb, ask: “what is X doing?”, e.g. when they make Superman fly, ask: “what is Superman doing?” Hold/point to the hexagon shape as you ask. When the child answers: “flying”, say: “Yes, flying” and write flying in the hexagon (colour code in blue).

    Say: “The hexagon tells us what someone is doing“.

    N.B. The child’s phrase does not have to be grammatically accurate; just a reference to the action, not Superman himself.

    If the child gives a non-verb response, e.g. “Superman, table, off”, give a forced alternative, e.g. “Is this flying or swimming?” Write the correct response in the hexagon as above.

    If the child, gives a longer phrase, e.g. “falling off table”, write the whole phrase in the hexagon but just underline the verb part in blue.

    Repeat with the other toys.

  2. To ensure the child understands the difference between oval and hexagon, link with Q1 & Q2. Lay out two shapes: oval + hexagon. Ask the child to help you make a story by acting it out with the toys or by sequencing a set of pictures, e.g. “Teddy (is) falling, Superman (is) flying. Mum (is) cheering”.  Point to the oval as you say the subject; point to the hexagon as you say the verb.
    • Pick up the oval and ask: “who is falling? Who is flying? Who is cheering?”
    • Pick up the hexagon and ask: “what is Teddy/Superman/Mum doing?” Ensure the child responds with the correct phrase/shape information.
    • Practise finding the what doing phrase in written sentences, if appropriate.
  3. Practise identifying what in written sentences, if appropriate. You could use this PowerPoint.

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